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Fever definition of fever by Medical dictionary Fever Definition A fever is any body temperature elevation over 100 F (378 C) Description A healthy person's body temperature fluctuates between 97 F (361 Glandular fever - Simple English Wikipedia the free Glandular fever is a viral infection caused by the EpsteinBarr virus Glandular fever is often spread through oral acts such as kissing which is why it is blood cells - WebMD WebMD describes the anatomy of human blood including what makes up our blood and how circulation works Fever Treatment Causes & Home Remedies - MedicineNet Get the facts on fever treatment (in children and adults) and symptoms Learn about causes of fever home remedies to bring down a high fever and find out when to Milk fever - Wikipedia Milk fever postparturient hypocalcemia or parturient paresis is a disease primarily in dairy cattle but also seen in beef cattle characterized by reduced blood Pon farr - Wikipedia Pon farr / p n f r / is a phenomenon in the fictional Star Trek universe A part of the reproductive cycle of Vulcans pon farr features in the canonical Sepsis (Septicemia) Causes Symptoms and Prognosis Learn about sepsis (blood infection) symptoms causes treatment prognosis and prevention Causes of sepsis include pneumonia and urinary tract infection People What Is Fever (Pyrexia)? What Causes Fever? - Health News Fever (also known as pyrexia or controlled hyperthermia) is when a human's body temperature goes above the normal range of 36-37C (98-100F) - it is a common medical sign Headache: Check Your Symptoms and Signs MedicineNet Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause headache and read about the medications used in treatment Other symptoms and signs associated with headache GGT blood test level and natural treatment elevated GGT Blood Test level and natural ways to lower cause and treatment gamma glutamyl transpeptidase enzyme level interpretation October 24 2016 by Ray Sahelian MD
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